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Triangle Strategy Update Adds Replay Story Chapter Features & More

Image: Square Enix

Story Highlights

  • The update introduces a replay chapter feature under the War Chronicle and replay story battle feature in The Tavern.
  • An extra story becomes available after completing Serenoa’s route.
  • Battle adjustments, loot enhancements, and bug fixes have been implemented for better gameplay during repeat playthroughs.

Expanded Replay Features

In the recent Triangle Strategy update, new replay features have been introduced to further enhance the gameplay experience. Specifically, a replay chapter feature has been added under the War Chronicle menu, and players can now replay story battles in The Tavern.

Additional Content

Additional content has been made available on the title screen in the form of an Extra Story. However, to access this content, players must first complete Serenoa’s route.

Gameplay Improvements

Aside from the content enhancements, the update also implements several gameplay adjustments for a more refined experience in repeat playthroughs. These adjustments include improvements to battle dynamics and an increase in the quality of loot dropped by enemies. Now, players can expect more money and items during their repeated journeys.

In response to player feedback, the developers have also introduced a button to skip the company logos displayed at the start of the game. For smoother gameplay, players can now interrupt and skip the “…” symbol animation as well.

In addition, a network error relief measure has been integrated into the game to avoid hindrances in obtaining achievements. Furthermore, some tutorial texts have been revised to match the recent updates, and minor bugs encountered in the game have been fixed.

Source: Steam Blog

Written by Shaun Savage

Shaun Savage is the founder and editor-in-chief of Video Gaming. He has been covering and writing about video games for over 9 years. He is a 2013 graduate of the Academy of Art University with an A.A. in Web Design and New Media. In his off-time, he enjoys playing video games, watching bad movies, and spending time with his family.